Monday, March 10, 2008

I believe, in agreement with “Atheism and Agnosticsm,” that most people believe in god because they were told to. In the same respect I would argue that I don’t believe in god because no one told me to. Who is right? It is always wrong to rest content on any belief that someone told you, especially when there is sufficient evidence against such beliefs. It is one’s responsibility to believe according to good reason.

More important than holding beliefs that are evidentially true according to sufficient knowledge, is holding beliefs that provide comfort, happiness, and security. It does not matter who believes the “right” thing, which beliefs are more reasonable and who is being ignorant. I know people whose lives are shaped by the essence of a god and in this faith they find exactly what they need to have security and happiness in their existence. God and faith provide them with a purpose and with this they are able to live happily. Even when things are going wrong in their life they believe through God that there are reasons and in the end all things will be the way they are meant to be. At the end of the day does it matter if such faith is reasonable when the belief in God is enriching peoples’ lives?


David K. Braden-Johnson said...

Some will say "yes," it matters, since the point of knowing is to aim at truth, not merely comfort.

Samantha Chase said...

But there is also a difference between comfort and fulfillment.