Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I Am a Mute Iraqi, With a Voice by Weam Namou

I am an Iraqi
but was never asked,
personally,what was better?
Saddam threatening to destroy me if I crossed him, politically?
Or tons of deleted uranium, napalm,
bullets, explosives
and other unfamiliar concoctions,
besieging me
at some hidden corner of my street?

I am an Iraqi, but was never asked, personally,
what I wanted?
Freedom to vote for men and women I know little about,
who may or may not better my life,
or to safely be able to step out of my house?

I am an Iraqi,
but was never asked, do I want democracy
or the tradition of my ancestry?

I am an Iraqi,
but was never asked, personally,
by those who've come to rescue me,
have we really benefited you, my dear,
since the day we came near?
Or have we simply made a mess
of your little hut?

I don't believe that the US is at war with Iraq in order to spread democracy. But, if that is now the intention, do our efforts have integrity?

1 comment:

David K. Braden-Johnson said...

Here's what the Bushies now say: "Let's say I mistakenly trash your home; ought I at least to stick around to help clean up?"

(Of course, "cleaning up," for the US, is precisely their intention.)